China puts European satellite into orbit

China on Tuesday "successfully" launched a European-made telecommunications satellite into orbit aboard a Chinese rocket, the official Xinhua news agency said.

Messaging apps show mobile Internet's rise in Asia (Update)

(AP)—A handful of smartphone apps that began as basic instant messaging services have amassed several hundred million users in Asia in just a couple of years, mounting a challenge to the popularity of online hangouts such ...

YouTube launches US election hub, streaming video

YouTube launched a 2012 "elections hub" Wednesday devoted to the November vote in the United States, which will include live coverage from the two major party conventions and other political news.

India can monitor BlackBerry without codes: report

India has found a way to monitor BlackBerry corporate emails without asking developer Research in Motion (RIM) to hand over encryption codes a report said Wednesday, which could help end a standoff with the Canadian company.

News aggregator Ongo to shut down

Online news service Ongo, which launched last year as a paid "aggregator" for various newspapers, said Tuesday it would close down by the end of the month.

Exclusive species found at higher altitudes

Researchers have long postulated that animal and vegetation species living in mountainous areas of high altitude are isolated, and thus much more exclusive. A new Spanish-German study substantiates this long-held theory, ...

Wikipedia, Google protest US antipiracy proposals

(AP) -- January 18 is a date that will live in ignorance, as Wikipedia started a 24-hour blackout of its English-language articles, joining other sites in a protest of pending U.S. legislation aimed at shutting down sites ...

Websites downed in Russia poll 'hack attack'

Websites which revealed violations in Russia's legislative polls were inaccessible Sunday after a hacking attack their operators said was aimed at preventing the exposure of mass election fraud.

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