Measuring political bias of network news

( -- That FOX Broadcasting Company has a conservative slant and MSNBC skews liberal may reflect widespread opinion, but a Washington University in St. Louis study suggests that news networks’ biases can be ...

Free speech group fights lawsuits vs. news sharers

(AP) -- A San Francisco group that defends online free speech is taking on a Las Vegas company it says is shaking down news-sharing Internet users through more than 140 copyright infringement lawsuits filed this year.

MySpace scoops up popular Facebook app iLike

(AP) -- Social networking hub MySpace said Wednesday it is acquiring iLike, a popular music application on rival Facebook, in the first move by new management to expand after a series of drastic cuts and writedowns.

Fox News taps MySpace for citizen journalists

MySpace on Monday invited its members to become volunteer "uReporters" by supplying news pictures or videos for use at the social networking website and Fox News network.

Why you shouldn't be scared of spiders

A school in Gloucestershire, in the west of England, was closed for several days due to an "invasion of poisonous spiders." Experts claimed they were not aggressive, but the school was closed, alarm spread and some media ...

Advances in the conceptual model for filtering fake news

The spread of misinformation as fake news via social media is a serious problem especially when it colors the opinions and actions of people unimpeded by critical thinking. Fake news in the area of politics, health and medicine, ...

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