ditched to focus on Digg applications for helping Twitter users stay in tune with happenings being tracked by friends faded into history on Thursday as their owner shifted resources to reviving social news site Digg.

Messaging apps show mobile Internet's rise in Asia (Update)

(AP)—A handful of smartphone apps that began as basic instant messaging services have amassed several hundred million users in Asia in just a couple of years, mounting a challenge to the popularity of online hangouts such ...

Your country and your age might influence how you access news

( -- A report shows that Germans still prefer a newspaper, while online news has overtaken print and TV news as the most frequently used medium in the UK and US for those using computers, mobile phones and tablets ...

Myspace settles privacy probe with FTC

(AP) -- Myspace, the once mighty social network, settled a privacy investigation by the Federal Trade Commission and agreed to submit to privacy audits over the next 20 years.

Facebook's Timeline change disrupts some businesses

Stephen Terrell expected a group of happy users when he updated his company's Facebook profile page to the new Timeline format, allowing his mostly senior-citizen customers to register for a contest to win a trip to Hollywood ...

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