Music service gives Myspace second wind

Faded online social network Myspace said Monday it was getting a second wind due to the popularity of a freshly launched online music player.

Cable TV top source for US political news: study

Cable television is the leading source of US political news for Americans, according to a study released Tuesday, but fewer people are closely following the presidential campaign than four years ago.

News Corp plans US Spanish-language TV network

(AP) -- Rupert Murdoch's News Corp. is launching a Spanish-language broadcast TV network that aims to bring the flavor of the Fox network to Hispanic audiences in the U.S.

China city tightens control of microblogs

Shanghai will require microblog users to register under their real names from Monday, state media said, the latest local government in China to implement the rule after a spate of violent protests.

Serendipitous news reading online is gaining prominence

Traditional media, such as newspapers and television news, require readers and viewers to intentionally seek out news by picking up a newspaper or turning on the television. The Internet and new technologies now are changing ...

China cracks down on 'fake journalists and news'

China said Monday it had launched a campaign to crack down on "fake journalists and news" and "illegal media outlets", as it further tightens its grip on the media in the Internet era.

China orders stricter control of Internet, media

China has ordered stricter control of social networking sites and a crackdown on "vulgar" material on the web, as Beijing attempts to tighten its grip on the fast-growing Internet sector.

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