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Facebook users protest home page changes

Legions of Facebook users united in protest, demanding that the world's most popular social-networking service undo recent changes to its home page.

Facebook and Twitter jump on Google glasses (Update)

Facebook and Twitter launched applications Thursday for Google glasses as developers rushed to learn more about tailoring software for the Internet-linked eyewear yet to hit the market.

Facebook's Timeline change disrupts some businesses

Stephen Terrell expected a group of happy users when he updated his company's Facebook profile page to the new Timeline format, allowing his mostly senior-citizen customers to register for a contest to win a trip to Hollywood ...

Facebook adds trending topics to site (Update)

In a move that echoes Twitter, Facebook is adding a feature to its service that lets users know the topics of discussion that are trending among the site's 1.2 billion users, whether it's the death of a world leader or the ...

Facebook finetunes news feeds from friends

Facebook on Tuesday began rolling out the latest in a rapid-fire series of enhancements to the leading social network as nascent rival Google+ opened its membership to the world.

College-age Facebook users react negatively to site's ads: study

Customers often “like” businesses on Facebook, but when it comes to those companies’ ads on the social networking site, “dislike” is closer to the mark, says a University of Florida study of college-age ...

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