Bacon fries on pavement as heat wave grips China

It's been so hot in China that people are grilling shrimp on manhole covers, eggs are hatching without incubators and a highway billboard has mysteriously caught fire by itself.

New reporter? Call him Al, for algorithm

The new reporter on the US media scene takes no coffee breaks, churns out articles at lightning speed, and has no pension plan.

Overconfidence in news judgement

A new study published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences finds that individuals who falsely believe they are able to identify false news are more likely to fall victim to it. In the article published today, ...

NY Times launches local websites network

The New York Times has launched an experimental network of websites providing local community news and information for residents of neighborhoods in New York and New Jersey.

Every heatwave enhanced by climate change: experts

All heatwaves today bear the unmistakable and measurable fingerprint of global warming, top experts on quantifying the impact of climate change on extreme weather said Wednesday.

Political fake news: They might be a liar but they're my liar

An international collaboration has investigated how people perceive politicians when they spread misinformation. The research found supporters of the politicians reduced their belief in misinformation once corrected, yet ...

Rhino is named South Africa's top newsmaker

The rhino has been named South Africa's newsmaker for 2012, based on the extensive media coverage around the slaughter of the creature for its horn, the National Press Club said on Saturday.

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