Going out of print, Newsweek ends an era

There was a time when the newsweeklies set the agenda for the nation's conversation—when Time and Newsweek would digest the events of the week and Americans would wait by their mailboxes to see what was on the covers.

Wall Street Journal launches WikiLeaks rival

The Wall Street Journal launched a WikiLeaks rival called "SafeHouse" on Thursday, calling for online submissions to help uncover fraud and abuse in business and politics.

Review: News app that lets you choose your editor

(AP) -- Most of the articles that show up in your newspaper or magazine are chosen by professional editors. What if they are picked out by a friend from college instead? Or a colleague from work? Or your mom? Anyone you ...

Cost-cutting at NY Times, reorganization at WPost

The New York Times unveiled plans on Thursday to eliminate several weekly sections of the newspaper in the latest cost-cutting move at the prestigious but financially troubled daily.

Wikipedia in Italian reopens after media law protest

Internet database Wikipedia restored access to its pages in Italian on Thursday following a protest over a law being debated in parliament that would have legally obliged websites to correct any content if there was a complaint.

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