Finally, machine learning interprets gene regulation clearly

In this age of "big data," artificial intelligence (AI) has become a valuable ally for scientists. Machine learning algorithms, for instance, are helping biologists make sense of the dizzying number of molecular signals that ...

Deep learning may help to prevent salmon escapes in rough seas

Artificial intelligence can be of great benefit underwater and SINTEF, in collaboration with the research center SFI Exposed, is developing systems that will help to boost fish farm safety and security under harsh sea conditions.

Thai national parks ban single-use plastics

Thailand on Wednesday banned styrofoam packaging and single-use plastics from national parks as it fights a scourge of waste threatening wildlife.

New details about gene regulation explained

( -- When genetic information is read from the genetic blueprint DNA, RNA polymerase II translates it into RNA molecules. The C-terminal domain, abbreviated as CTD, is an important area of the polymerase molecule. ...

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