Crows show advanced learning abilities

New Caledonian crows have, in the past, distinguished themselves with their advanced tool using abilities. A team of researchers from the University of Auckland and the University of Cambridge have now shown these crows can ...

Revolutionizing urban landscapes: The eco-metropolis model

The concept of the metropolitan area is pivotal in studying innovation economics and ecological conservation. Recent scholarly perspectives challenge the traditional view of urban development as merely spatial expansion. ...

UK Uber drivers win case to get paid vacation, minimum wage

Uber's claim that its drivers are contractors—and not employees entitled to vacations—was rejected Friday by a British tribunal, in a ruling that may have implications for a range of companies that rely on self-employed ...

Exploring human nature through the social web

The web grows larger and more social every day, allowing ordinary people to express themselves more publicly and permanently than ever before through blogs and social media such as Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Instagram, and ...

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