How social networks can save lives when disasters strike

Soon after my family moved to New Orleans in the summer of 2005, we heard Mayor Ray Nagin's first warnings about Hurricane Katrina. With two young children, a job I hadn't started yet, and little in the way of savings, my ...

On Katrina anniversary, New Orleans braces for Harvey

New Orleans on Tuesday marked 12 years since Hurricane Katrina slammed into the US Gulf Coast, as the low-lying coastal city braced for a potentially-devastating new impact by Harvey later this week.

Hurricane Zeta speeds toward a storm-weary Louisiana

Hurricane Zeta was speeding toward storm-weary Louisiana and intensifying, with landfall expected as a Category 2 hurricane Wednesday afternoon. New Orleans, where a pump system failure has raised flood risks, was squarely ...

Finding the right chemistryfor oil spill cleanups

Sunlight plays a key role in the natural degradation of oil after a spill, oxygenating the oil so it dissolves in seawater and comes in contact with microbes that will break it down. But, under certain conditions, sunlight ...

Video: NASA animation shows rainfall of Mississippi River flooding

A series of winter storms brought more than 20 inches of rainfall to the Midwest and southeastern United States in December 2015. Massive flooding followed throughout both the regions. An animation of rainfall data from those ...

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