Public—and researchers—skeptical to climate engineering

What does the general public know about climate engineering, and what do they think about what they know? These were questions asked by researchers from Linköping University, together with researchers from Japan, the US ...

Numerical model aids in gold hunt 

A local mining company has begun gold production in New South Wales as a part of a $166 million project boosted by advanced numerical modelling by CSIRO scientists to increase gold-finding efficiency.

Quantifying uncertainty in computer model predictions

DOE's National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL) has great interest in technologies that will lead to reducing the CO2 emissions of fossil-fuel-burning power plants. Advanced energy technologies such as Integrated Gasification ...

Molecular modelling to help create better, safer drugs

( —How our bodies break down the common drugs ibuprofen, diclofenac and warfarin is the subject of a new study from the University of Bristol, published in the Journal of the American Chemical Society. The research ...

New mouse viruses could aid hepatitis research

Newly discovered mouse viruses could pave the way for future progress in hepatitis research, enabling scientists to study human disease and vaccines in the ultimate lab animal. In a study to be published in mBio, the online ...

Facebook to be part of Nasdaq 100 index

Facebook will become part of the Nasdaq 100 index of the largest non-financial companies listed on the electronic exchange, the market operator said Wednesday.

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