Study finds evidence of ancient breeding of scarlet macaws

People were breeding scarlet macaws (Ara macao) in, what is today, New Mexico in the 1100s, according to examination of eggshell found at the Old Town archaeological site. The paper is published in the journal PNAS Nexus.

Western rivers face pinch as another dry year takes shape

As several states in the American West face intense drought, it's shaping up to be a very difficult year for New Mexico farmers because of limited irrigation supplies, with some saying conditions haven't been this dire since ...

Feds seek borehole test for potential hot nuke waste burial

The federal government plans to spend $80 million assessing whether its hottest nuclear waste can be stored in 3-mile-deep holes, a project that could provide an alternative strategy to a Nevada repository plan that was halted ...

The Apollo experiment that keeps on giving

Neal Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin and Michael Collins departed from the moon 50 years ago, but one of the experiments they left behind continues to return fresh data to this day: arrays of prisms that reflect light back toward ...

Low-frequency sea sounds ring clear at high altitudes

A new study shows microphones suspended from helium balloons in the stratosphere can detect low-frequency sounds from ocean waves. The new method shows promise for detecting acoustic signals from natural disasters and nuclear ...

Proposal advances to store nuclear waste in New Mexico

A new proposal to store nuclear waste underground in southern New Mexico—this time from nuclear reactors across the country—has cleared an initial regulatory hurdle and can now be vetted for detailed safety, security ...

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