Obama to push for new cybersecurity legislation

President Barack Obama on Tuesday will renew his call for Congress to pass cybersecurity legislation, including a proposal that encourages companies to share threat information with the government and protects them from potential ...

New laws threaten Brazil's unique ecosystems

Brazil's globally significant ecosystems could be exposed to mining and dams if proposals currently being debated by the Brazilian Congress go ahead, according to researchers publishing in the journal Science this week.

NY voters to decide on digital legislation

If New York voters approve proposition No. 2 on the ballot next week, their 213 legislators will join the digital age. Their desks in the ornate chambers of the Capitol will have computers instead of thick stacks of bills ...

How do you judge a crook who uses a laptop instead of a gun?

Some recent high-profile crimes have started people thinking about how we should handle those who break the law using digital technologies. Criminal sentencing is decided by the type of crime and a range of factors, such ...

Indonesia announces world's biggest manta ray sanctuary

Indonesia on Friday instituted the world's biggest manta ray sanctuary covering millions of square kilometres as it seeks to protect the huge winged fish and draw more tourists to the sprawling archipelago.

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