US states join global push to ban animal-tested cosmetics

A growing number of U.S. states are considering a ban on the sale or import of cosmetics that have been tested on animals, as advocates argue testing products such as lotions, shampoos and makeup on rabbits, mice and rats ...

Current sexual abuse laws leave online victims unprotected

People's lives have been shattered by so-called "revenge porn," upskirting, fake porn, sexual extortion and videos of sexual assaults and rape shared online. Victims and survivors can experience profound "social rupture"—a ...

'Don't drink and drone,' say Japanese MPs

People in Japan operating drones under the influence could face up to a year in prison under new laws passed Thursday that aim to control the increasingly popular devices.

Banning offshore oil and gas drilling

Last week, New York's Governor Andrew Cuomo signed a bill passed in February that banned oil and gas drilling off New York's coastline. The state's action was in part a response to the Trump Administration's plan to encourage ...

Singapore's 'fake news' laws upset tech giants

Tech giants have reacted with horror after Singapore proposed laws against "fake news" allowing authorities to order the removal of content and impose hefty fines, in what critics say is an assault on free speech.

EPA hits chemical maker for not notifying on new compounds

A chemical maker's North Carolina plant may have broken federal law by failing to notify the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency before it started manufacturing and repurposing new industrial compounds, the agency said this ...

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