Microsoft launches new jobs drive for S.Africa

Microsoft launched Thursday a campaign aimed at helping 3,000 graduates find information technology jobs in South Africa, where one in four workers is officially unemployed.

New study finds fastest-growing cities not the most prosperous

As communities seek new ways to emerge from the recession, many may look to growing their population as a strategy. However, the belief that population growth will bring jobs and economic prosperity for local residents is ...

Entrepreneurial women needed to create growth and jobs

When it comes to adopting an entrepreneurial spirit, it's the men who have the edge. Despite European women accounting for over half of the population, they only make up a third of the EU's entrepreneurs, which is why the ...

Amazon to deliver 100,000 new US jobs

Amazon on Thursday unveiled plans to create 100,000 US jobs over the next 18 months, as President-elect Donald Trump presses the business world to boost activities on American soil.

Australia poised for start-up boom, Google study finds

Tech start-ups could be worth Aus$109 billion (US$111 billion) to the Australian economy by 2033—on a par with retail or education—and create half a million jobs, a report for Google found Tuesday.

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