New ideas in the search for dark matter

Since the 1980s, researchers have been running experiments in search of particles that make up dark matter, an invisible substance that permeates our galaxy and universe. Coined dark matter because it gives off no light, ...

A new way of teaching maths in schools

A study has looked at a new way of teaching mathematics in primary and secondary school classrooms, and its ability to enhance learning.

Turning to the brain to reboot computing

Computation is stuck in a rut. The integrated circuits that powered the past 50 years of technological revolution are reaching their physical limits.

Physicists report a way to 'hear' dark matter

Physicists at Stockholm University and the Max Planck Institute for Physics have turned to plasmas in a proposal that could revolutionise the search for the elusive dark matter.

Burial practices point to an interconnected early Medieval Europe

Early Medieval Europe is frequently viewed as a time of cultural stagnation, often given the misnomer of the 'Dark Ages'. However, analysis has revealed new ideas could spread rapidly as communities were interconnected, creating ...

Can computers do magic?

Magicians could join composers and artists in finding new ideas for their performances by using computers to create new magic effects, according to computer scientists at Queen Mary University of London (QMUL).

Paleontologists flip the script on anemone fossils

Billions of sea anemones adorn the bottom of the Earth's oceans—yet they are among the rarest of fossils because their squishy bodies lack easily fossilized hard parts. Now a team of paleontologists has discovered that ...

Study finds surprising source of social influence

Imagine you're a CEO who wants to promote an innovative new product—a time management app or a fitness program. Should you send the product to Kim Kardashian in the hope that she'll love it and spread the word to her legions ...

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