Picture of Pluto further refined by months of New Horizons data

When the New Horizons spacecraft made its flyby of Pluto on July 14, 2015, there was worldwide celebration that we'd finally gotten our first detailed look at this completely new type of planet in the outer reaches of our ...

Science papers reveal new aspects of Pluto and its moons

A year ago, Pluto was just a bright speck in the cameras of NASA's approaching New Horizons spacecraft, not much different than its appearances in telescopes since Clyde Tombaugh discovered the then-ninth planet in 1930.

Image: Pluto's blue atmosphere in the infrared

This image from NASA's New Horizons spacecraft is the first look at Pluto's atmosphere in infrared wavelengths, and the first image of the atmosphere made with data from the New Horizons Ralph/Linear Etalon Imaging Spectral ...

Neil deGrasse Tyson weighs in on New Horizons' Pluto discoveries

The New Horizons spacecraft completed its 3 billion mile journey to Pluto in July and the discoveries continue to pour in every week as NASA scientists receive and analyze data and images from the flyby. It will be another ...

New Horizons continues toward potential Kuiper Belt target

NASA's New Horizons spacecraft has carried out the second in a series of four maneuvers propelling it toward an encounter with the ancient Kuiper Belt object 2014 MU69, a billion miles farther from the sun than Pluto.

Stunning new Pluto aerial tour

I'm Stuart Robbins, a research scientist at the Southwest Research Institute in Boulder, Colorado. NASA's New Horizons spacecraft made hundreds of individual observations during its flyby of the Pluto system in mid-July. ...

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