Frozen cones on Pluto—the first discovery of ice volcanoes?

Ice volcanoes have shaped my life, and until today I didn't even know if they actually existed. Now, thanks to NASA's New Horizons spacecraft, there's a good chance we've found a frozen volcanic cone on the surface of Pluto.

New Horizons continues toward potential Kuiper Belt target

NASA's New Horizons spacecraft has carried out the second in a series of four maneuvers propelling it toward an encounter with the ancient Kuiper Belt object 2014 MU69, a billion miles farther from the sun than Pluto.

Mysterious Kerberos revealed by New Horizons

Images of Pluto's tiny moon tiny Kerberos taken by NASA's New Horizons spacecraft – and just sent back to Earth this week – complete the family portrait of Pluto's moons.

Blue skies, frozen water detected on Pluto

Pluto has blue skies and patches of frozen water, according to the latest data out Thursday from NASA's unmanned New Horizons probe, which made a historic flyby of the dwarf planet in July.

Stunning new Pluto aerial tour

I'm Stuart Robbins, a research scientist at the Southwest Research Institute in Boulder, Colorado. NASA's New Horizons spacecraft made hundreds of individual observations during its flyby of the Pluto system in mid-July. ...

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