Image: Pluto's bladed terrain in 3-D

One of the strangest landforms spotted by NASA's New Horizons spacecraft when it flew past Pluto last July was the "bladed" terrain just east of Tombaugh Regio, the informal name given to Pluto's large heart-shaped surface ...

New Horizons imagery reveals small, frozen lake on Pluto

NASA's New Horizons spacecraft spied several features on Pluto that offer evidence of a time millions or billions of years ago when – thanks to much higher pressure in Pluto's atmosphere and warmer conditions on the surface ...

Picture of Pluto further refined by months of New Horizons data

When the New Horizons spacecraft made its flyby of Pluto on July 14, 2015, there was worldwide celebration that we'd finally gotten our first detailed look at this completely new type of planet in the outer reaches of our ...

Science papers reveal new aspects of Pluto and its moons

A year ago, Pluto was just a bright speck in the cameras of NASA's approaching New Horizons spacecraft, not much different than its appearances in telescopes since Clyde Tombaugh discovered the then-ninth planet in 1930.

Pluto reveals more secrets

Eight months after its encounter with the New Horizons spacecraft, Pluto continues to surprise the scientists who study this distant world.

Dust counter got few 'hits' on Pluto flyby

A student-built University of Colorado Boulder instrument riding on NASA's New Horizons spacecraft found only a handful of dust grains, the building blocks of planets, when it whipped by Pluto at 31,000 miles per hour last ...

What's eating at Pluto?

Far in the western hemisphere, scientists on NASA's New Horizons mission have discovered what looks like a giant "bite mark" on Pluto's surface. They suspect it may be caused by a process known as sublimation—the transition ...

The frozen canyons of Pluto's north pole

This ethereal scene captured by NASA's New Horizons spacecraft tells yet another story of Pluto's diversity of geological and compositional features—this time in an enhanced color image of the north polar area.

Alpha Centauri—our first target for interstellar probes?

With the completion of New Horizons' Pluto fly-by, its primary mission, should we now set our sights even higher, ambitiously taking aim at other star systems? If so, Alpha Centauri would probably be considered as the best ...

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