Which is better—digitalization or digital transformation?

Have you ever wondered what the terms digitalization and digital transformation really mean? Are you unsure about when to use these terms and what they mean to you? And, more to the point, what's the difference?

Smart pill bottle keeps drugs safe

Low-cost, stretchy sensors can be assembled inside the lid of a drug container to help monitor patient safety.

On the age of computation in the epoch of humankind

In a white paper, Christoph Rosol, Benjamin Steininger, Jürgen Renn and Robert Schlögl outline the significance of digitalization in the Anthropocene and outline the background and goals of the new research field of geoanthropology. ...

Why teachers should embrace digital devices in the classroom

France's recent decision to pass a law banning the use of cellphones, tablets and smart watches at school for children under 15 is just the latest example of moral panic around new digital technologies, according to a University ...

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