Research team building a computer chip based on the human brain

Today's computing chips are incredibly complex and contain billions of nano-scale transistors, allowing for fast, high-performance computers, pocket-sized smartphones that far outpace early desktop computers, and an explosion ...

Skype makes monsters of us all

When God saw that our egos needed deflating, he invented Skype. Skype is the 21st-century invention that sci-fi movies had been predicting for decades: phonavision. Actually it's "computavision," with a tiny camera at the ...

Yahoo! buys startup specializing in online games

Yahoo! pressed on with its shopping spree on Thursday with the acquisition of a startup that powers games played on smartphones, tablets, consoles or personal computers.

Microsoft to unveil "new generation" Xbox in May

Microsoft is expected to unveil in May a successor to Xbox 360 videogame consoles that have been evolving into hubs for home entertainment in the digital age.

Australia poised for start-up boom, Google study finds

Tech start-ups could be worth Aus$109 billion (US$111 billion) to the Australian economy by 2033—on a par with retail or education—and create half a million jobs, a report for Google found Tuesday.

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