Branson outlines world powered by wind, solar power

Entrepreneur Richard Branson outlined a vision of the world powered by renewable energy and said it would be "pretty dreadful" if a forthcoming UN climate summit is not a success.

US top in the world for entrepreneurship, researchers find

The USA is the most entrepreneurial economy in the world, according to the 2014 Global Entrepreneurship and Development Index (GEDI). The GEDI index combines data on entrepreneurial activities and aspirations with data describing ...

'The Daily' doomed by dull content and isolation

It was too expensive. It lacked editorial focus. And for a digital publication, it was strangely cut off from the Internet. That's the obituary being written in real time through posts, tweets and online chats about The Daily, ...

'Entrepreneurial spirit': A product of nature or nurture?

The concept of cultural entrepreneurship has many facets. It encompasses both the cultural and social impact of entrepreneurial training, and the environmental factors that influence its development.

3D-MAT, a thermal protection material for the Artemis Generation

The 3-Dimensional Multifunctional Ablative Thermal Protection System (3D-MAT) is a thermal protection material developed as a critical component of Orion, NASA's newest spacecraft built for human deep space missions. It is ...

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