Banned! New York sends plastic bags packing

Consumerist mecca New York targets its throwaway culture this weekend with a ban on single-use plastic bags that has been years in the making and is still rare in America.

It takes an ecosystem to raise a successful start-up

The geography of entrepreneurship is "spiky", meaning that from region to region there are significant variations in rates of start-ups and, in particular, "scale-ups"—new businesses that are evolving into larger enterprises.

Friendships factor into start-up success (and failure)

New research co-authored by Cass Business School academics has found entrepreneurial groups with strong friendship bonds are more likely to persist with a failing venture and escalate financial commitment to it.

Regulation and reality in reducing global warming

While Donald Trump's functionaries continue to deny the science of climate change, American states are setting ambitious greenhouse gas reduction targets and nations all over the world are struggling to deal with the difficulty ...

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