Neutron stars could be capturing primordial black holes

The Milky Way has a missing pulsar problem in its core. Astronomers have tried to explain this for years. One of the more interesting ideas comes from a team of astronomers in Europe and invokes dark matter, neutron stars, ...

Einstein probe opens its wide eyes to the X-ray sky

The first images captured by the innovative mission were presented at the 7th workshop of the Einstein Probe consortium in Beijing. They illustrate the satellite's full potential and show that its novel optics, which mimic ...

Investigating the porosity of sedimentary rock with neutrons

Whether sedimentary rocks store fossil hydrocarbons or act as impermeable layers to prevent the rise of oil, natural gas or stored carbon dioxide—all depends on their porosity. The size, shape, organization, and connectivity ...

Astronauts to patch up NASA's NICER telescope

NASA is planning to repair NICER (Neutron star Interior Composition Explorer), an X-ray telescope on the International Space Station, during a spacewalk later this year. It will be the fourth science observatory in orbit ...

Citizen science project classifying gamma-ray bursts

When faraway stars explode, they send out flashes of energy called gamma-ray bursts that are bright enough that telescopes back on Earth can detect them. Studying these pulses, which can also come from mergers of some exotic ...

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