For fish, fear smells like sugar

When one fish gets injured, the rest of the school takes off in fear, tipped off by a mysterious substance known as "Schreckstoff" (meaning "scary stuff" in German). Now, researchers reporting online on February 23 in the ...

New high-speed 3-D microscope gives deeper view of living things

Opening new doors for biomedical and neuroscience research, Elizabeth Hillman, associate professor of biomedical engineering at Columbia Engineering and of radiology at Columbia University Medical Center (CUMC), has developed ...

Grey matter matters when it comes to feeling pain

Like humans, fish recoil from pain. But the fish pain reflex mechanism operates quite differently to the way it works in humans, University of Queensland research shows.

Food or sex? Fruit flies give insight into decision-making

Individuals are likely to prioritize food over sex after being deprived of both, according to researchers at the University of Birmingham, who studied this behavioral conflict in fruit flies.

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