Related topics: birth defects

Assessing the risk of excess folic acid intake

It is well established that folic acid supplementation can significantly reduce the risk of birth defects, including neural tube defects like spina bifida, the most common birth defect of the central nervous system and the ...

Scientists create rice variety with high folate stability

Researchers from Ghent University succeeded in stabilizing folates in biofortified rice in order to prevent their degradation upon long term storage. They used two strategies: by linking folates with folate binding proteins ...

Skin color: Handy tool for teaching evolution

Variations in skin color provide one of the best examples of evolution by natural selection acting on the human body and should be used to teach evolution in schools, according to a Penn State anthropologist.

More than skin deep, tanning product of sun's rays

People who remain pale and never tan can blame their distant ancestors for choosing to live in the northern reaches of the globe and those who easily achieve a deep tan can thank their ancestors for living in the subtropical ...

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Neural tube defect

A neural tube defect will occur in human embryos if there is an interference with the closure of the neural tube that occurs around the 28th day after fertilization. The incidence of neural tube defects is 2.6 in 1,000 worldwide.[citation needed]

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