Don't panic about Facebook outages, the NSA has your back

Twitter made hay this week as Facebook suffered what has been described, perhaps a tad hyperbollically, as "the longest outage in recent memory". That's if your memory doesn't stretch back much further than four years – ...

UK says cyber-spies monitor Facebook, Google use

The U.K.'s electronic spy agency is legally allowed to track the online activities of millions of Britons who use U.S.-based platforms such as Facebook, Twitter and Google, Britain's top counterterrorism official has said.

Indian 'Peace Force' launches Facebook clean-up mission

Thousands of Indians have signed up to an online campaign aiming to clean Facebook of content they consider offensive, raising fears they are trying to "morally police" the social networking site.

Adding on Facebook makes us like new friends more

We've all returned home after a night out at a party to find a Facebook friend request from someone you briefly met but barely know. Just to be polite, you add the person to your friend list. But it turns out that this token ...

Report: Iran court orders Instagram blocked

An Iranian court ordered that the photo-sharing app Instagram be blocked over privacy concerns, a semiofficial news agency reported Friday, the latest in a series of websites to be banned in the Islamic Republic.

Twitter eyes music-sharing service SoundCloud

Twitter is mulling plans to buy the German-based music-sharing service SoundCloud to fuel growth at the social network, the news site Re/code reported Monday.

Workplace web use is a minefield

Market research reports have indicated that many office employees in the UK spend at least one hour of their day at work on non-work activities. They are booking holidays, shopping online, posting messages on social networking ...

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