Facebook leaked keys to account data: Symantec

US computer security firm Symantec has said that Facebook accidentally left a door open for advertisers to access profiles, pictures, chat and other private data at the social network.

Secure, synchronized, social TV

Network coding is an innovative new approach to network design that promises much more efficient use of bandwidth, and MIT researchers have made seminal contributions to its development. But in recent work, some of those ...

Europe launches trillion-euro energy revamp

European leaders launched Friday a trillion-euro bid to slash dependency on Middle East oil and Russian gas, clearing the way to place nuclear power at the centre of 21st century needs.

'Cyber Storm III' tests US on cyber attack

Keyboard warriors from the United States and a dozen other nations were battling a simulated cyber attack Tuesday on government and private networks that undermines basic trust in the Internet.

Report: US would make Internet wiretaps easier

Broad new regulations being drafted by the Obama administration would make it easier for law enforcement and national security officials to eavesdrop on Internet and e-mail communications like social networking Web sites ...

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