Audit: Air traffic systems vulnerable to attack

(AP) -- The nation's air traffic control systems are vulnerable to cyber attacks, and support systems have been breached in recent months allowing hackers access to personnel records and network servers, according to a new ...

Report: US cyber warfare needs oversight, debate

(AP) -- Shrouded in secrecy, the U.S. government's policies on how and when to wage cyber warfare are ill-formed, lack adequate oversight and require a broad public debate, a new report by the National Research Council says.

China scales back IT disclosure demands

(AP) -- Beijing has temporarily averted a trade clash with Washington by scaling back a demand for foreign suppliers of computer security technology to disclose how their products work.

US adviser says cybersecurity must be joint effort

(AP) -- The challenge of protecting the government's computer networks is too big for any one agency to handle alone, a top adviser to President Barack Obama said Wednesday. That suggests the administration doesn't intend ...

Cyber-crooks targeting social-networking websites

Computer security specialists warn that Facebook users have been hit with a series of data-stealing attacks in the past week as cyber crooks increasingly stalk social-networking websites.

China's Huawei signs deal to develop 5G in Russia

China's Huawei, considered a security threat in the US, on Wednesday signed a deal with Russian telecoms company MTS to develop a 5G network in the country over the next year,

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