EyeLock brings biometric security to your websites

(PhysOrg.com) -- Biometric security is always a field of interest for those people who need to keep your data secure. Currently, it is used in a wide variety of high security applications, mostly by large companies with large ...

White House set to unveil cyber plan

The White House on Thursday is expected to unveil its proposal to enhance the nation's cybersecurity, laying out plans to require industry to better protect systems that run critical infrastructure like the electrical grid, ...

Cyber scams rife at social networks: Microsoft

Social networks are "lucrative hot beds" for cyber scams as crooks endeavor to dupe members of online communities, according to a Microsoft security report released on Thursday.

Facebook leaked keys to account data: Symantec

US computer security firm Symantec has said that Facebook accidentally left a door open for advertisers to access profiles, pictures, chat and other private data at the social network.

Cyber security team creates winning network security product

A team from the Virginia Tech Information Technology Security Laboratory and Bradley Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering won third place in the 2011 National Security Innovation Competition sponsored by the ...

Sony working with police on PlayStation Network hack

Sony said it was working with investigators after hackers stole data from users of its PlayStation Network, and told customers it would restore services only when it was confident it was secure.

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