Closing a malware security loophole

An add-on for antivirus software that can scan across a computer network and trap malicious activity missed by the system firewall is being developed by an international team. Details are reported in the International Journal ...

Selfies to undersea cables: Big Data displayed in London

From posting on social networks and online shopping to sending emails and instant messages, we are producing more data than ever, prompting a new exhibition in London to explore the dangers and possibilities of this information ...

Researchers study users to increase cyber security

Missouri University of Science and Technology researchers are working to build a framework to study the online behavior of Internet users and how that behavior affects the safety of systems and networks.

Federal workers with sensitive jobs used cheating website

U.S. government employees with sensitive jobs in national security or law enforcement were among hundreds of federal workers found to be using government networks to access and pay membership fees to the cheating website ...

Fed agency blames giant hack on 'neglected' security system

The agency that allowed hackers linked to China to steal private information about nearly every federal employee—and detailed personal histories of millions with security clearances—failed for years to take basic steps ...

Cybersecurity fears grow as defenses boosted: study

The recent epidemic of cyberattacks has led to greater investment and spending on security, but fears are rising that hackers are gaining the upper hand, a study showed Wednesday.

New privacy app takes a page from NSA technology

Before the National Security Agency began complaining about being shut out of encrypted devices, it helped develop software for secure communications that could be adapted by the private sector.

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