FBI probing Sony hack, as data leaks emerge

The FBI said Tuesday it was investigating a cyberattack on Sony Pictures, amid reports that employee information as well as new films were being leaked online.

HealthCare.gov gets cybersecurity upgrades

Officials say HealthCare.gov has gotten cybersecurity upgrades ahead of a Nov. 15 start for the second open enrollment season under President Barack Obama's health care law.

Car hacking: The security threat facing our vehicles

The car of the future will be safer, smarter and offer greater high-tech gadgets, but be warned without improved security the risk of car hacking is real, according to a QUT road safety expert.

Eyes on you: Experts reveal police hacking methods (Update 2)

Law enforcement agencies across the globe are taking a page out of the hacker's handbook, using targets' own phones and computers to spy on them with methods traditionally associated with cybercriminals, two computer security ...

UK says cyber-spies monitor Facebook, Google use

The U.K.'s electronic spy agency is legally allowed to track the online activities of millions of Britons who use U.S.-based platforms such as Facebook, Twitter and Google, Britain's top counterterrorism official has said.

Cisco chief writes to Obama to decry NSA activities

Cisco chief executive John Chambers has complained to US President Barack Obama about the National Security Agency's spying practices, saying they were harming overseas business for US tech firms.

IBM deepens move into computer defense

IBM on Monday moved deeper into defending business computers with a new service aimed at thwarting hackers before they do damage.

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