Apple ordered to pay $368 million in patent case

Apple has been ordered to pay $368 million for patent infringement in its use of Facetime, an application that allows for video calls on mobile devices, the plaintiff said Wednesday.

Less is more in the fight against terrorism

Terrorist networks are complex. Now, a mathematical analysis of their properties published this month in the International Journal of Networking and Virtual Organisations, suggests that the best way to fight them is to isolate ...

Head for the clouds, feet firmly on the ground

Computer engineers in the US writing in the International Journal of Communication Networks and Distributed Systems have reviewed the research literature to get a clear picture of cloud computing, its adoption, use and the ...

'Evil' Australian hacker faces 49 charges

A man who used the online nickname "Evil" has been charged with hacking attacks that police Wednesday alleged could have caused considerable damage to Australias national infrastructure.

US cybersecurity efforts trigger privacy concerns

(AP) -- The federal government's plan to expand computer security protections into critical parts of private industry is raising concerns that the move will threaten Americans' civil liberties.

How old does your computer think you are?

Computerised face recognition is an important part of initiatives to develop security systems, in building social networks, in curating photographs, and many other applications. Systems that allow a computer to estimate with ...

Digital photos could put kids at risk

A study published in the International Journal of Electronic Security and Digital Forensics this month suggests that parents and carers could be putting children at risk if they upload digital photos that are automatically ...

Hackers who hit US media are back: security firm

The hackers who penetrated the computer network of The New York Times last year have resurfaced with an attack on "an organization involved in shaping economic policy," experts warned Monday.

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