Study employs deep learning to explain extreme events

Identifying the underlying cause of extreme events such as floods, heavy downpours or tornados is immensely difficult and can take a concerted effort by scientists over several decades to arrive at feasible physical explanations.

Neural network helps design brand new proteins

With their intricate arrangements and dynamic functionalities, proteins perform a plethora of biological tasks by employing unique arrangements of simple building blocks where geometry is key. Translating this nearly limitless ...

Unraveling complex systems: The backtracking dynamical cavity method

In physics, a "disordered system" refers to a physical system whose components—e.g., its atoms—are not organized in any discernible way. Like a drawer full of random socks, a disordered system lacks a well-defined, ordered ...

Dust in the wind: Forecasting storms with AI

Dust storms are not only a nuisance for anyone trying to keep their house spick and span, they also pose a very real health hazard and are a major ecological concern. Respiratory problems caused by breathing in dust and other ...

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