Georgia Tech to pursue 'transparent Internet'

What if Internet users could click a button and determine whether their service was being artificially slowed down? Or if the government were censoring their content? In the name of Internet transparency, a team of Georgia ...

Friendships are built on alliances, research shows

New research from the University of Pennsylvania is challenging some longtime assumptions about why human beings seek and keep their friends, and it reveals a somewhat darker side to the very nature of friendship itself.

Fundamental algorithm gets first improvement in 10 years

The maximum-flow problem, or max flow, is one of the most basic problems in computer science: First solved during preparations for the Berlin airlift, it’s a component of many logistical problems and a staple of introductory ...

No lounge for local lizards as living room vanishes

A new ecological network is urgently needed in Northern Ireland to ensure the continued survival of its precious lizard population, according to researchers at Queen's University Belfast.

Research creates internet privacy tool

University of Arkansas at Little Rock researchers have developed a new model to manage the "vast ocean" of user-generated content being generated by the ever-growing social networking sites including Facebook and Twitter.

Researchers work to protect, restore vulnerable networks

( -- Alon Efrat, a University of Arizona associate professor of computer science, is working with a team of researchers on a project intended to help prevent a telecommunications meltdown in the event of an ...

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