Using data from social networks to understand and improve systems

In the course of our day-to-day lives, we produce vast amounts of data. Whether gathered through online communications platforms, tracking devices, or other sources, these data reveal information about our behavior, decisions, ...

Engineers use network science to predict how ligaments fail

When doctors diagnose a torn ligament, it's usually because they can see ruptures in the ligament's collagen fibers, visible on a variety of different scans. However, they also often treat patients with many of the symptoms ...

Researchers develop a new tool to guide recovery from disasters

The 1999 Odisha Cyclone struck the eastern coast of India, knocking out whole swaths of the Indian Railways Network, bringing the eastern IRN system to a halt. Cyclones Hudhud and Phailin caused similar mayhem in 2014 and ...

Mapping the landscape of research funding

(—It usually goes unspoken, but science research is highly resource dependent. Working scientists are largely preoccupied with applying for grants, deepening their networks, enhancing ties with funding organizations, ...

Learning language by playing games

MIT researchers have designed a computer system that learns how to play a text-based computer game with no prior assumptions about how language works. Although the system can't complete the game as a whole, its ability to ...

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