City transport needs saving from itself – here's how to do it

Cities are growing rapidly. According to UN estimates, the world's urban population grows by two people every second, 7,200 every hour. This means that within two decades, nearly 60% of the world's population – five billion ...

White House set to unveil cyber plan

The White House on Thursday is expected to unveil its proposal to enhance the nation's cybersecurity, laying out plans to require industry to better protect systems that run critical infrastructure like the electrical grid, ...

US spy master courts top hackers at Def Con

US spy master Keith Alexander on Friday courted hackers at an infamous Def Con gathering rife with software tricksters wary of police and ferociously protective of privacy.

Hack of US regulator a blow to confidence in financial system

The hack disclosed at the US Securities and Exchange Commission deals a fresh blow to confidence in the security of the financial system weeks after news of a potentially catastrophic breach at a major US credit bureau.

Inspired by insect intelligence

Monash University researchers, as part of an international collaboration, are using insect intelligence to develop new wireless sensor networks that could transform how we monitor changes to the environment, buildings and ...

Today's threat: Computer network terrorism

According to Dr. Levyatan, in today's world, the battlefield is not only comprised of tanks and planes, but also computer experts' and hackers' keyboards. To date, most of the 'online fighting' has focused on attempts to ...

Sri Lanka auctions airwaves for 4G mobile network

Sri Lanka auctioned a block of airwaves to become the first country in South Asia to roll out a full nationwide mobile fourth-generation (4G) network, a top official said Friday.

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