China driving development of 'Internet of Things'

China is in the forefront of the development of an "Internet of Things", leading the way with the number of machine-to-machine connections and opening a new market for operators, a study showed Monday.

100 gigabits/s connection accelerates Transatlantic research

KIT researchers have established the first international 100 gigabits/s connection for German science. It will be the basis of better cooperation in data-intensive sciences in the future. At the SC13 International Supercomputing ...

Uncovering hidden structures in massive data collections

( —Advances in computer storage have created collections of data so huge that researchers often have trouble uncovering critical patterns in connections among individual items, making it difficult for them to realize ...

Explainer: What is a virtual private network (VPN)?

Have you ever wanted to exist in more than one place at the same time? The laws of physics suggest wormholes through space and time are hypothetical; but wormholes do exist in cyberspace and wonders can be found on the other ...

Google eyes emerging markets networks

Google has become deeply involved in a series of projects to build and operate wireless networks in emerging markets including sub-Saharan Africa and Southeast Asia, a report said Friday.

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