Putting more cores to work in server farms

(Phys.org)—EPFL scientists have found that reorganizing the inner architecture of the processors used in massive data processing centers can yield significant energy savings. Their work is part of the EcoCloud program.

National cyber range rapidly emulates complex networks

Realistically and quickly replicating globally interconnected networks to securely test new cyber tools and capabilities is no longer an issue for cyber researchers thanks to the DARPA-developed National Cyber Range (NCR). ...

Internet architecture is at odds with its use

The largest manmade structure is now used much differently than was originally intended by its designers. Of all Internet communication, only a fraction of traffic is intended to be exchanged between specific network elements ...

A cheap and fully optical solution for ultra-fast internet

Blisteringly fast Internet speeds, more robust connections and a big increase in network capacity at little extra cost, even in rural areas? It's the sort of fantasy that keeps telecommunication company executives and bandwidth-hungry ...

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