Is Australia the birthplace of birds nests?

The most common birds nests found today had their birthplace in Australia, and these nests may be key to many of our birds' success, according to new research from Macquarie University, released today.

Male bumblebees leave home without looking back

Male bumblebees leave home and fly away without looking back, making no effort to remember the location of the nest, researchers at the University of Exeter have found.

Desert ants found to have dual navigation systems

(—A pair of researchers with Ulm University has found that a type of African desert ant has two navigational systems for helping it find its way back to the nest. In their paper published in the journal Science, ...

Good fathers sing simple songs

The female Chinese Hume Warbler is attracted to males who sing simple songs, as opposed to the more common preference among birds of choosing males who sing the most complex songs. This preference for males with inconspicuous ...

Researcher studies communal nesting in birds

Balanced in a small boat on the reedy edge of a Panama lake, Christina Riehl rigged a camera above the nest of a bird called the greater ani, a species of cuckoo that lives in Central and South America. Checking the footage ...

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