Related topics: worms

Gene silencing set to boost agricultural yields

Researchers from Murdoch University have developed an environmentally friendly 'gene silencing' method to control Root Lesion Nematodes, plant pathogens known to reduce crop yields in major crops such as wheat and barley ...

Chemical trickery explored to help contain potato pest

If left unchecked, the pale cyst nematode burrows into potato roots to feed, obstructing nutrients and causing stunted growth, wilted leaves and other symptoms that can eventually kill the plant. Now USDA and cooperating ...

Worm sugarcoats bacterial toxins to stave off death

(—Pathogenic bacteria kill their animal or plant hosts through the production of toxic molecules. But how do animals and plants defend themselves against these toxins? Researchers from the Boyce Thompson Institute ...

Molecular assembly line brings muscles into shape

Scientists at the Research Institute of Molecular Pathology (IMP) in Vienna, Austria and at the University of Cologne, Germany have discovered the molecular basis underlying the patterned folding and assembly of muscle proteins. ...

The neurobiological consequence of predating or grazing

Researchers in the group of Ralf Sommer at the Max Planck Institute for Developmental Biology in Tuebingen, Germany, have for the first time been able to identify neuronal correlates of behaviour by comparing maps of synaptic ...

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