Study finds income affects bus ridership in bad weather

Temperature extremes and heavy rain reduce weekday bus ridership in Lane County, except in low-income neighborhoods where residents have few alternatives for transportation, according to a University of Oregon study.

Toxic neighborhoods and social mobility

How much does growing up in a healthy and cohesive community, or lack thereof, contribute to later long-term economic and social success in adulthood? Quite a lot, it would seem. Two Harvard sociologists, Robert Manduca and ...

Craft breweries increase residential property values

The craft brewery boom is good for home values. Using Charlotte, North Carolina, as a case study, researchers at the University of Toledo and the University of North Carolina at Charlotte found that craft breweries have a ...

How online neighborhood reviews could aid urban planning

Every day, people share a dizzying amount of information about local communities online. They talk about whether their neighbors are friendly, how well the buses run, what kinds of restaurants are in an area, and much, much ...

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