Four steps for Earth: A holistic approach to saving the planet

This decade must be the turning point, where we transform humanity's relationship with nature and put the planet on a path to recovery, argues a global team of researchers in a paper published today [Friday 22 Jan] outlining ...

Bio-based replacements to fossil fuel plastics

BPA is an organic compound made from fossil fuel sources. The industrial chemical has been used to make plastics and resins since the 1950s, and products made with it are cheap to make, clear, flexible and strong. BPA can ...

Study confirms dark coating can reduce satellite reflectivity

Observations conducted by the Murikabushi Telescope of Ishigakijima Astronomical Observatory confirmed that dark coating can reduce satellite reflectivity by half. There are concerns that numerous artificial satellites in ...

Global trends in nature's contributions to people

In a new study published today in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, a research team co-led by the University of Minnesota, examined the risks to human well-being and prosperity stemming from ongoing environmental ...

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