State-of-the-art climate model shows how we can solve crisis

We are already seeing the devastating consequences of global warming, with ever-rising sea levels, extreme storms, prolonged droughts and intensified bushfires. Now, after two years of research and modelling, scientists have ...

Scientists spin naturalistic silk from artificial spider gland

Researchers have succeeded in creating a device that spins artificial spider silk that closely matches what spiders naturally produce. The artificial silk gland was able to re-create the complex molecular structure of silk ...

Words matter: How to reduce gender bias with word choice

In the workplace, even subtle differences in language choice can influence the perception of gender for better or worse. These choices fall into two main categories: minimizing the role of gender by using gender-neutral terms ...

Nature is changing as land abandonment increases, say researchers

When people leave their rural lives behind to seek their fortunes in the city or agriculture is no longer profitable, the lands they toiled on are often left unused. A new perspective piece in Science shows that these abandoned ...

Can social media detect the changes in public mood?

New research has analysed the mood of Twitter users in the UK and detected various changes in the mood of the public. In particular, the researchers observed a significant increase in negative mood, anger and fear, coinciding ...

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