Study shows money cues can trigger unethical behavior

The word "money" triggers a slew of negative connotations, often including corruption, greed, power, and, most dramatically, the "root of all evil." But while we often associate money and vice, can the mere allusion to it ...

Parents' work hours affect children

A comprehensive review of studies on parents' work schedules and child development spanning the last three decades shows that parents' work schedules in evenings, nights and weekends, so called "nonstandard work schedules" ...

Does crime increase when the moon is full?

Just in time for Halloween, the BetaGov team at NYU's Marron Institute of Urban Management is releasing a three-country study on the "lunar effect."

What do your co-workers really think of you?

Everyday in the workplace, colleagues actively compete for a limited amount of perks, including raises, promotions, bonuses and recognition. But new research from Washington University in St. Louis shows that, more than often ...

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