Robots help position interventional needles

Finding the ideal position for interventional needles – as used in biopsies, for instance – is a difficult and time-consuming process. This can now be performed automatically, using a robotic arm to place a needle guide ...

Can MRI drive a medical robot?

Engineers at Children’s Hospital Boston have demonstrated the ability to program the magnetic field generated by a clinical MRI scanner to motorize and control a robotic instrument – in this case, a surgical biopsy ...

Researchers study cell life with new nano method

( -- Focusing on interdisciplinary research is now leading to breakthroughs in bio-nanotechnology research. A new method for drug development has become a reality.

A nano end for Christmas tree needles

As Twelfth Night approaches and the Christmas decorations start to look increasingly congruous as the last crumbs of cake are swept away and the remnants of the turkey have finally been consumed, there is the perennial question ...

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