Related topics: bees

Understanding the flight of the bumblebee

Scientists from Queen Mary, University of London have tracked bumblebees for the first time to see how they select the optimal route to collect nectar from multiple flowers and return to their nest.

Insects learn faster when they are rewarded with nectar

Butterflies learn faster when a flower is rewarding than when it is not, and females have the edge over males when it comes to speed of learning with rewards. These are the findings of a new study, by Dr. Ikuo Kandori and ...

Study: Hawkmoths use humidity to sense nectar

( -- People assume that a flower's scent, color and shape attract insects to settle on a flower to sip nectar and, thereby, pollinate the plant. But new research shows that a more relevant sensory apparatus may help ...

Predicting when plants face extinction threat

( -- Drawn to dense stands of wildflowers in search of food, bees and other pollinators carry pollen between plants and provide a vital service for the survival of many plant species.

Got nectar? To hawkmoths, humidity is a cue

( -- Humidity emanating from a flower's nectar stores tells a moth if the flower is worth a visit, research led by a UA entomologist has discovered.

Commonly used pesticide turns honey bees into 'picky eaters'

Biologists at UC San Diego have discovered that a small dose of a commonly used crop pesticide turns honey bees into "picky eaters" and affects their ability to recruit their nestmates to otherwise good sources of food.

Flying jewels spell death for baby spiders

Spider flies are a rarely collected group of insects. Adults are considered important pollinators of flowers, while larvae live as internal parasitoids of juvenile spiders. Eight genera are recorded in Australasia, including ...

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