Related topics: stars · hubble space telescope · galaxies

Cosmic burst probes Milky Way's halo

Astronomers have used an intense burst of radio waves originating from a nearby galaxy to inspect the halo of gas cocooning our own Milky Way galaxy. The scientists studied the way that the light of the so-called fast radio ...

Tiny, hidden galaxy provides a peek into the past

Peeking out from behind the glare of a bright foreground star, astronomers have uncovered the most extraordinary example yet of a nearby galaxy with characteristics that are more like galaxies in the distant, early universe. ...

WALLABY survey builds an intergalactic map in the Outback

Published today in the Publications of the Astronomical Society of Australia, the WALLABY (The Widefield ASKAP L-band Legacy All-sky Blind surveY) Pilot Survey will be sharing its first data release with the scientific community, ...

Beyond the clouds: Finding galaxies behind galaxies

There are hundreds of billions of galaxies in the universe, each containing billions of stars, and found in every part of the sky. But in some directions, nearby galaxies block the view of the more distant cosmos. Now a team ...

Arecibo data still yielding galactic insights

Data collected by the Arecibo Radio Telescope before it collapsed late last year will help astronomers better understand how our local neighborhood of galaxies formed.

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