Self-driving rovers explore Moroccan desert, shooting for Mars

Ever since the first successful landing on Mars in the 1970s, scientists have striven to deepen their knowledge of the red planet's surface. The first successful rover, the Sojourner, was deployed on Mars's surface in July ...

Amelia Earhart would have a hard time disappearing in 2019

When Amelia Earhart took off in 1937 to fly around the world, people had been flying airplanes for only about 35 years. When she tried to fly across the Pacific, she – and the world – knew it was risky. She didn't make ...

ESA sets clock by distant spinning stars

ESA's technical centre in the Netherlands has begun running a pulsar-based clock. The "PulChron' system measures the passing of time using millisecond-frequency radio pulses from multiple fast-spinning neutron stars.

First detection of rain over the ocean by navigation satellites

In order to analyse climate change or provide information on natural hazards, for example, it is important for researchers to gather knowledge about rain. Better knowledge of precipitation and its distribution could, for ...

Self-driving rovers tested in Mars-like Morocco

Robots invaded the Sahara Desert for Europe's largest rover field test, taking place in a Mars-like part of Morocco. For two weeks three rovers and more than 40 engineers tested automated navigation systems at up to five ...

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