Fish navigation found to be more 'environment-centric'

In a recent paper, "Boundary Vector Cells in the Goldfish Central Telencephalon Encode Spatial Information," published in PLOS One, researchers at Ben-Gurion University in Israel and the Institut de Biologie de l'École Normale ...

A highly precise terahertz molecular clock

In recent years, many physicists worldwide have introduced atomic clocks, systems to measure the passing of time that are based on quantum states of atoms. These clocks can have numerous valuable applications, for instance ...

Signals from the ionosphere could improve tsunami forecasts

New research from the University of Washington shows that signals from the upper atmosphere could improve tsunami forecasting, and someday, help track ash plumes and other impacts after a volcanic eruption.

Quantum sensors for GPS-free orientation

How can we navigate airliners or allow military vehicles to stay on course without GPS or satellite signals? This is a problem for which quantum inertial sensors offer a solution. Harnessing quantum technology, they can take ...

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